Friday 15 January 2016

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (eng)

 Finnish reviewHow to break up with your friends!

It's probably that only professionals should dispose bombs but luckly there's manual of every types of bombs! Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is a co-op multiplayer game that needs only one laptop. From the two players the expert player is tasked to read the manual without possibility to check on the screen! I did take the game to the Bytecamp and did test it with demanding crowd of 12-year olds.

Game information:

Name: Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes Publisher: Steel Crate (2015)
Platforms: PC, Mac OS X, Oculus Rift DK2 Type: puzzle, co-op
Age rating(s): n/a
Reviewers: Rami Sihvo (35), Seven young gamers (12)
Video: Trailer Criosgamers Let’s Play Rage Gaming Let’s Play

What is it all about?

The game is about problem solving, the bombs are strapped with number of puzzling modules. Luckly there's manual but every module has some twists. In theory one player game is impossible with Oculus Rift-goggles on and with the time limit there's dire need of help. In other words the game is planned to be played with a friend but the added difficulty comes from normal difficulty of human to human interaction. For example if you put seven kids try to figure out the bomb it's probably going to explode just because it's really hard to get such many persons to work together.


For experienced players?

Most likely game is best with the youth and not with the adults. At least the latter tend to take games too seriously – in the Steam reviews one can find lots of thanks of friendships and marrages breaking down because of the game! Of course the game needs some dedication but youth didnt' have problem with that. At least timer kept tension high enough to keep them thrilled untill the end. The optimal range seemed to be 3-5 minutes of time and equal amount of modules.

Ethical message?

The faults can't be really addressed to game – if the communcation doesn't work the problem is indeed the players. Of course there's always questions like 'can the manual be wrong' – the overall nature of this kind of manual based gaming means that cryptic notes are part of gameplay experience.

However people don't generally like to be pointed out how short tempered they really are. Not everyone can be air traffic controllers or troubleshooters- however I can see certain types of professionals being really good with the game. So in short I would think twice before introducing the game on family meeting – it's possible to get bad blood between gamers but generally not this easy!


Everyone likes to be a MacGyver. The strict time limit enthralled youth and they enjoyed the co-operative gaming. With the tests I had the impression that youth tend to think it as 'just a game' that just happens to have lots of difficult tasks that needs two player. However with the disarmer leaving some details out of the description of the module the players might sometimes need to pick choices on random. However with the bombs going up the players get more experience and do know how modules work filling details that Bomb Manual doesn't get too deep into.

There's always too few good two-player games and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes excels just because it can be played without two games, two laptops, licenses, hardcore skills or patience!


The game is indeed more frustrating than scary. The lights blinking or snoozer going off does wake players but the game is indeed pure puzzle-problem solver without particulary anything that could send offical age ratings off.


The game can be bought through Steam-service.

Age ratings?

Because game depictions are not applicable to any PEGI criteria the overall age rating would be really low meaning PEGI 3 or Finnish S- (Suitable for All) markings.

Keskustelunaiheita pelin tiimoilta

  • Pelin aikana suositellaan, ettei muista asioista kuin käsillä olevasta ongelmasta puhuta.
  • Pelin jälkeen voi miettiä mikä on oikea taktiikka moduleita ja sopia esimerkiksi yhteisestä kielestä. Mitkä ovatkaan eri modulien nimet? “Tässä on jotain ruutuja” ei ole kovinkaan auttava kuvaus.
  • Jos peli herättää tunteita, kannattaa myös nostaa esille se että peli on tarkoituksella tehty hankalaksi ja kovin monet ihmiset eivät ole tottuneet ratkaisemaan teknisiä ongelmia puhelimella.

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